

Our aim is to make the Diploma as accessible as possible whilst ensuring all those accepted onto the program have the academic potential to complete and benefit from their study. Our application form is transparent and designed to be global in the recognition of academic qualifications.

The three-month Diploma, the minimum requirement as defined by the United Nations framework for levels of education is the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level 3*  which can be in any subject areas. Having a computer or science-related background is not required for this course. A full command of the English language is however essential.

The twelve-month Diploma has the minimum requirement of level 3 as defined by the ISCED which can be in any subject areas but a maths and science background would be viewed favorably. Experience of computer programming is not necessary as the course will cover everything required. As with the three-month Diploma, full command of the English language is essential.

*Equivalent to secondary education that is pre-university preparation, for example, USA High School diploma, UK A-level, International Baccalaureate.